Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pressure Under the Food Fed?!

During the period of the first golden age of American food faddism, American citizens’ eating hobbit changed dramatically with disorder. Following the fashion trend is the nature of human beings. However, blindly pursue the food faddism would cause a serious phenomenon that is called “eating disorder”. According to Michael Pollan, the author of “Our National Eating Disorder” , comes with a idea to explain the reason and symptoms of national eating disorder. According to my understanding, people choosing and purchasing based on those various nutritional scientific reports, and leading by government or someone who have a medical degree. Moreover, author also mentions “As a relatively new nation drawn from many different immigrant populations, each with its own culture of food, we Americans find ourselves without a strong, stable culinary tradition to guide us. ” (Pollan 4). America as a huge immigration country that is influenced by enormous foreign food cultures would gradually lost it’s own traditional food culture and don’t have a strong guide of food diet.

American food faddism causes a series problems. Many American food industries would be modified to face the food fad. Many food that Americans love and used to eat would disappear in the food factories. I’m the kind of person who always chose what I like and I don’t really care about the calories or nutrient. People around me always know I’m a slow eater and I have never been a fussy eater. I enjoy eating and I believe I won’t change my eating diet. However, I always keep healthy and skinny even I eat cheesecake or potato chips. I agree with the author’s idea at the end of the article is that '' We could eat less and actually enjoy it more,'' suggests Rozin. Let’s enjoy our food!

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